Died from over-excessive YAMASHITA TOMOHISA DDX The cure? A kiss from him, prease??? XDD

I am lurking in youtube, hunting for more videos related to JE (YAMASHITA TOMOHISA!!!) to fulfill that desperate and screaming fangirl in me who can never get enough!!

Oh, Yamapi is so good with love quotes!! Makes me want him MAWR!!
Oh, shit. Every time I watch Yamapi, a little piece of my sanity slips away and a small part of my heart gets chipped off -_____-;;

Watch this, okay? You won't regret it.
Don't watch just because Yamapi is so delicious in it, watch it because the Juniors fail at love quotes and "sensei" Yamashita is there to guide them to a become a better man XDD

Kya!! The juniors so cute!! YAMAPI!!! YAMAPI!! OMGZSS!!! YAMAPI!!!
OMG! The story about Ryo violating Yamapi??!! DDX *1 HIT!*Look at his muscles DDX *2 HIT!!* His Kurosagi hairstyle!! *3 HIT!!!* YAMASHITA TOMOHISA LOOKING SEXY ON STAGE!!!????? *K.O.* DDDX

Two things I will say to Yamapi after watching that:
1. Yes, you are my one-man bus <3<3<3
2. I will handcuff you to my bedpost tonight!!!
*BEEEEEEEP!!* OKAY. That was a little but out of line!! Sorry, you had to read that, but really. Can I lie about that??? LOL.


Yes. Currently, nothing interesting is happening in my life, except Yamapi. So, please bare with my fangirling until something good like Yamapi turns up.


ラベル: , , ,

I will watch Byakkotai even if downloading it will take a 100 years!!

It's 4:44 AM. I kid you not.

Stupid torrent manager is bitching with me, again. Why am I the unlucky one to be tortured with slow downloading rates? Why, God, why? And why the hell is one "Byakkotai" movie 2 FREAKING GIGABYTES (And Yamapi doesn't even strip in it!! The things I do for love...)??! Why so freaking huge? At the rate it's downloading at, it's going to take another year to finish downloading!! Curses D:< But I'd wait a million years just to watch my Yamapi <3<3<3

Oh, and good news!! It's official!! I'm finally a member of the Graphics section at a Yamapi forum!! So cool!! Pity I missed one of the submissions for their new banner ): Need to wait until February for the next one. Sigh. Wish me luck!! ;DD

ラベル: , , , ,

TomoToma RabuRabu~ ♥♥♥

Lol. Stupid STPM. Made me stay at home all day because "someone" needs to study and I need to be there for her for support. Seriously, I'm the wrong person to look for support DDX

Omgosh. I am obsessed with 4TOPS' version of SMAP's "Go Now!" ♥♥♥
Mmm. My lovely Yamapi, so young and adorable!! And his voice was as captivating as it is today. Oh, Yamapi! So handsome and smexy!! ♥♥♥

Lol. Even back in their Jr. days, J.E. costumes were as fugly DDX

Such a pity they have disbanded ): I'm extremely happy with the formation of NEWS, but I'm disappointed that they separated Yamapi from Toma DD; I don't really care about the two other members, but what the hell is wrong with Johnny??! WHY IS TOMA STILL A JR.??!! WHY???!! ;o; ;o; ;o; Toma has a nice but-not-as-good-as-Yamapi voice ;D

My new OTP - TomaPi, but I rather it TomoToma because Yamapi is anything but uke (except with Ryo, because I like Ryo to top XDD) But I prefer them to be best friends than lovers. Anything but Jin. Jeez! Why is Yamapi best friends with that fag?? -_____-;; TomoToma!! ♥♥♥

Here's something I found VERY VERY amusing XDDD :

I wonder when this picture was taken XD Lol. When did Takki look like a tranny obbachan, dressed like a hard gay with a terrible dye job??!! KAKAKAKAKA!! *ded* Lol. Ok, Yamapi... DDX Wtf does his hair look like that??!! ;o; ;o; ;o; Oh, and I never knew he had/has a bellybutton ring XDD Hahaha... This pic is over 9,000!! XDD

ラベル: , , , ,

I eat RM5.90 ice-cream for this man XD

Hmm. I should really think about making this blog "Friends only". Oh, wait. I think all my friends think I'm a freak already -_____-" Is there an option to make this blog "Strangers only"??

Hello, my pretty Uchi ;D This picture is uber-adorable!! SQUEE!!

See!! Even hot Japanese idorus do the "peace sign" when they take photos (Tacchon is asking us to fuck off DX He's prolly mad because everyone's saying Uchi's return will push him from the limelight)!! Only teh cool people do the peace sign, non-believers repent; or as Tacchon puts it, fuck off!!


FGDFDS!! I'm looking at the Kame scans Nicole sent me and I will conclude that I am very afraid of Kamenashi Kazuya DDX His body scares me!! He looks thinner than Ryo's 69cm waist!! DDX *traumatized* Eat more, Kame!

[Do not continue if you dislike Yamapi or having to watch him take off his shirt XDDD]


Is this considered voyeurism? No, right?
Because that would totally be a different thing XDD

Wow. Yamapi <3<3<3 So smexy... I will never betray you for fugly-fatass Jin or even his tie (speaking of which, I need to find the origin of that photoshoot)!! DDX

He may not have the best body around, but I freaking love his black Kurosagi hairstyle!! I can't believe it won't be like that in the movie DDX WRRYY??!! And they even recast the cute, furry black cat with some ordinary short-haired black cat ): Tch.


Here's another bonus ;DDv

Oh, Shige!! Kakkoii ne!! <3<3<3 Yes, that's Judo XDD

ラベル: , , , , , ,



I am so happy right now. Wow. My pretty is in the official photobook of Kanjani8. Shoot me nau!! So happy!! XDDDD *dead*

ラベル: ,


"I send my love to you in the white snow;
because when the snow silently falls,
It is someone’s words of love..."

『Love in Snow』 - 上田竜也

Such beautiful words. So heartbreaking ;o; ;o; ;o;
The whole lyrics shatters hearts...

Damn. How could I be so ignorant!! How I have said that I adore "track 1" but don't know it's title. How I said that I love "Love in Snow" but can't remember how it sounds like. *head desk* The title of the unknown track on Beru's CD is Ueda's "Love in Snow"!! Oh, stupid stupid!!


The song "Alibi" in the "Pacific" album is really good. I love it so much!
Auwh, shit. I think I might have fallen for Shige DDX



I got a haircut today.
Omg. I don't think anyone expected this cut - even myself!!
Seriously. I look like a boy. Lol. So short.
It's going to take a loooooooong time to grow back.
I kind of like it, though; so no rush ;DDDb

What the hell is a holiday??

Ah, sorry about the last bitch post. I was just very pissed ;D And I still am.


Me : You're giving me money?? *beams*
Me : WHAT THE HELL??!!! o_O!!

Lol. False alarm XDD The last thing I want to do is go for national service. I can't even survive a night at INTI college and they want me to go to god-knows-where for 3 months??! DDDXX *ded*


Man, how I wish I had a bundle of cold, hard cash in my hands right now. I'm seriously broke -____-;; Sigh. How to do Christmas shopping now (Believe it or not, this will be my first year doing it)?? Damn. I wish I had a paid account for Megaupload ):

I cannot keep replacing Kame's name with Shota and Jin's name with Ohkura's -_______-;; I am so sad )': Somebody write me Ohyass nau pleaseee...?? I'm still waiting for my Magician!Ohkura and Assistant!Shota fic~


Man, my holiday is shit.

ラベル: , , ,

Fucked up DDD:<

I have been fucking degraded and humiliated.

Nothing can express my sadness right now D; Nothing can express my anger and frustration right now D:< I feel so terrible I want to cry ;o; ;o; ;o;
I wish people were actually smart enough to read between the lines; wish they were actually smart to begin with... Useless, pathetic fools. Telling me to be smart and have a brain to think for others? Screw you. You don't know what respect is even if it hit you in the face D:<

I know I'm fighting a losing battle, but if it's my dignity you're fucking with, I won't back down. At all. But, we'll see who gives in first...


What have I been up to??

Before anything else...



I haven't blogged for a few days now D; Not like anyone cares, but i don't want this blog to die like the last 3 (I think I had 3) I had. So here's a 'read it if you care' entry.

Sorry, I've been too busy with LJ - updating profile and all... Anyways, I do get carried away making icons and graphics 8Dv They're fun and addicting to make!! (I can't believe I made KAT-TUN set of icons DX But it was pretty <3)

And frankly, it's also because we all know how boring life gets when the holidays are here and you have nothing to do. That's exactly what's happening to me and I'm getting attacked by freaking mosquitoes!! Fucking buggers D:< At least the air freshener smells good (:

Oh, by the way, I have been accepted into the graphics section in one of the millions of Yamapi forums there are online 8Db No need to congratulate me yet. I still have assignment to complete before it's final. Hey, at least my resume was accepted!!

Okay. I still have my profile, Friends-only and banner to complete. Thanks for reading. Bye.

ラベル: , ,

Just for fun

"Just for tonight, I'm the matador of love
Let's dance and throw off our clothes

Although it may just be sex, I don't want any lies between us
Right now, I want to make love to only you"
185.gifAi no Matador - NEWS

Wow 183.gif GOOD JOB, NEWS...
Great improvement in your lyrics 234.gif
You started by singing songs about going ahead and doing your best, and now...
you're singing about heated sex upon red sheets on the basement floor? 240.gif

Actually, I was just testing the emoticons out 229.gif
So, that's how it feels to write an entry with those kind of emoticons 237.gif
Aren't they adorable? I can imagine them all over Yamapi's blog 218.gif
Mmm... I think I'll write one like this once in a while 179.gif

Ok, bye.

ラベル: ,

Happy Camper??

Back from camp! \;D/ You have no idea how happy I am to be back in civilization!! *kisses floor, hugs Domino*

Within this day-and-a-half camp, I have managed to 'wtfpwnzed' myself by bruising all my limbs internally, as well as externally. Be warned, I am O.K.U. (Orang Kurang Upaya) D; So painful... *groan* Jeez, I hate camp D:<

But I did learn a few things ;Db That is... Never try to bunk in 9 people in a room made for two, because you'll suffer the worst body ache ever the next morning DX Walking up and down stairs has become such a bitch...

Plus, egoistical bitches bastards can just go jump off buildings. Get a life and just stay away from me =\ Thanks

Want to argue? Just know that I won't and don't back down.

Won't back down from my stand

ラベル: , , , ,

"I loved you so much I wanted to break you"

I love "Gomen ne Juliet" by Yamapi.
I love Yamashita Tomohisa.

The whole composition is so captivating. Everything just blends together and it's perfect!! And his voice is so sexy and I really, really don't know what I'm feeling right now...
The lyrics is just so beautiful. So emotional, it made me so sad reading it, especially while listening to Yamapi singing it with so much emotion ;o; ;o; ;o;

This song puts me under a trance...



When I met you, I remembered
What it felt like to love someone; it was something that I'd forgotten for a very long time
When I regained these wonderful emotions
Everyday that passed seemed to be dyed in such vibrant colours

Even if there would be obstacles, even if I would lose something
I swore that I would love and protect you

Even though we ascertained our feelings for each other with a hundred million kisses
Somehow, it wasn't enough
And we both knew that our love would come to an end
Ah I'm sorry, Juliet

Even though I loved you more deeply than I ever loved anyone
I managed to hurt you more than I've ever hurt anyone

The words "goodbye" made my heart hurt
There's no way that we'll love each other again, is there?

Being in love doesn't stop us from being able to hurt, no matter how much I want to stop
I stole away your radiant smile
Could it be that we should never have met?
Ah, I'm sorry that you fell in love with me

I love you, but our love can't be; how I miss you
There's no such thing as my not loving you; I can't let go of these wishes
A hundred million kisses couldn't reach them; I want to meet you on this holy night
I loved you so much I wanted to break you

Even if I go blind, I'll know that it's you
Because we embraced each other so many times
Even though we both love each other, we still can't overcome it
Could it be fate?

Even though we ascertained our feelings for each other with a hundred million kisses
Somehow, it wasn't enough
And we both knew that our love would come to an end
Ah I'm sorry, Juliet


I think the lyrics for this song is beautifully written. Just reading it makes me want to carve my heart out ;o; And trust me, with the music playing, it just kills. I feel like crying every time I hear this song!! ;o; ;o; ;o;

Painful, but beautiful.

ラベル: , , ,

Yellow Ranger is GOLD ♥

Enuff' said.
Yeah, I said nothing yet; but let the picture speak for itself. Didn't someone once say, "Picture speaks a thousand words"? Yah.

Happy 23rd Birthday, Mr. Nishikido Ryo ♥♥♥
Stop kissing Subaru and get it on with Uchi already??


Went out with Beru, Bibi & Eiri today for 'this special occasion'. Had a hell of an awesome time. Those people are just awesome beyond words!! Sankuyu, minna-san!! ♥♥♥


No school the whole of next week!! BANZAI~~!!
But I have to go for a bloody camp -__-" Fuck.

ラベル: , , ,

This blog is solely for the purpose of fangirling.

Krystle. クリスタル Fangirl ♥ Yamashita Tomohisa; J-POP; K-POP.

obsessions ♥♥♥

let's backtrack

layout: ambivalente
designer: kurisutaru
header featuring YAMASHITA TOMOHISA
<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>