I've finally finished watching it ;o; I love it.


Watch it.
It'll do you insensitive people some good, like what it has done to me (:

It made me cry and it makes me feel human again. Even though it's really, really sad, it's really heart warming you'd constantly ask "why?" (:

Nishikido Ryo; damn bloody good actor. You make every scene sadder ):
Sawajiri Erika; probably the only actress I like? Idk. She's pretty (:

This show made me realize many things, but I'm not going to share it or you people are going to think I'm actually human ): But here's one; my future boyfriend/husband should have the characteristics of Asou Haruto ♥ because he is so sweet he makes me cry ;o;

I'm going to watch it again (:

ラベル: , ,

Organizing beautiful boys into folders (:

You don't make everything you're not happy about my fault, alright? Do something about whatever it is bothering you, and not bitch about what I did. Thanks.

Because you're not worth it

Until my saviour will lend me their Adobe Photoshop CS2, I'll be Photoshop-less ): When you can't edit photos, make new icons or banners, the only thing you can do is marvel at how pretty the picture is, or how beautiful the people in them are (:

So, I was ogling going through my picture files of, erm, things? People? My obsessions. Yeah. And I realized how long the slide show seems to go on and on and on. So I checked how many pictures I have in my picture folder.

2383 picture files! Wow. Amazing. Haha. Yes, I'm boasting about my efforts to own such an awesome collection of young, delicious Japanese boys. Lol. Crazy fangirl? Maybe. But it's all solely for the purpose of icon making, and also for ogling.

I was going to post that sweet photoshoot of Tacchon doing his Pete Wentz pose thing, but I couldn't edit the size, so screw it. Just look out for it as my next header once I get Photoshop CS2 loaded into Domino. KTHANXBAI.

Fanfiction time, and this Nasi Lemak I happen to be eating taste like crap =\

ラベル: , , , , ,

Kanjani8 are my best friends & you are LOSE ;D

Eye candy first ;D

Meme, because I'm bored and I have no life. I always wondered who I would choose whenever they do that role-choosing thing on Muchaburi~ Ok, so here are my picks :

Best friend:
Yoko. He is funny and seems to be that kind of person who will stand by your side no matter what? Lol. Idk. Someone who won't stop talking and picks you up when you're feeling a little down?
Uchi. He is sensitive and girly. I think he would understand my girly problems compared to the rest of K8 ^^ I mean, I like Uchi, but he's one bitchy princess who loves his mama a lot He probably PMS-es too =\
Subaru. He looks like someone who'd be cool to hang out with. You know, the coolest in the group, sort of thing. Fuhuhuhu~~

Maru. He is someone energetic and full of youth. I'd honestly like someone like Maru as my brother. Funny and unpredictable (:

Ryo. I have good reasons for choosing him, 'k? Not only because he's damn hot or his smile that can suffocate my brain once looked at... He is someone serious and tends to listen more than talk. Plus, he can cook like a pro! He is insensitive but I think he's actually a girl ;D He's an Uke!kind of guy, but he's one delectable Uke ^^

Tacchon. He looks like the romantic type ♥. Haha. I guess he can treat a woman well? He does all those surprised cute noises when shy or embarrassed which is totally fangirl worthy! So adorable! And he's a drummer. Damn hot. And his low-sexy voice, mmm... A+++

Hina. He likes football? I mean, Lol, most of my cousins like football XD He talks a lot too. Don't think I would get annoyed or bored if he comes to visit (: And I think him hitting my head every time I do something stupid would be a really nice thing. Hahahaha! Lame.

Yassan. Haha. Idek. I mean, he is that someone who I want around when I'm sad. Watching him smile would immediately make me happy (: I want to hug him!!

End of post.

Hard gays? Idk >.<

ラベル: , , , , , ,

I'll make you dance your "Ai Igai no Nandemo Nai" routines over and over again every night

I really have nothing to do ;D

Which Kanjani 8 Member Will You Marry?? by Kogyaru314
Favorite Member
You will marry...Nishikido Ryo
on...May 6, 2013 Osaka
After Marriage...He will cheat on you with Ryo.
I should be glad I got the Sexy Osaka Man. But unfortunately for me, I got the uke ):
I can't bottom an uke, because well, obviously, an Uke bottoms. Pfft.
Cannot fight fate. Lala~

In another 6 more years, I can officially change my name to Nishikido Kurisutaru ♥ But, sadly, he will cheat on me for himself (;o; I must not be giving him what he needs). Conceited, much (At least turn to Uchi, or Tacchon)? But it's alright, it's normal for people to touch themselves XD

At least he can cook.

ラベル: , , ,

I thought today was a holiday =\ Cheated by my classmates

I'm too hardworking, I say. I went to school today, while 98% of the Form 4 population didn't even bother to turn up *applause*

Wow. Since when was I so thrilled to go to school? Even my parents were leaving hints for me to not go to school. Didn't work. Anyways, there was no particular reason for me to go. I just went because Beru asked me to =\ And they said it was compulsory for prefects to be present (a lie).

Helped Beru paint her class's board for fun. Lol. I still have paint all over my hands (a few specks). Anyways, it was a nice day (: It's like hanging out at the mall with a couple of good friends, minus the mall ;D

ラベル: ,


Freedom. Not quite.

Oh my god.

What the hell?

Thank god I'm not particularly religious, or else
I'd be doing some SERIOUS repenting right now.

Ohnoes! My once innocent and pure eyes! ;o;
Corrupted and 'un-innocent-nized' with 'these kind of things'!
Unacceptable! Intolerable! Objectionable!
Need to go wash my eyes with acid now.

Damn, Nicole. How am I going to live my live with a straight face now, huh?

ラベル: ,

Tacchon rabu harto Yassan!!! ♥♥♥ *dies*

"Butterfly I Loved" by Tacchon is win! ♥
Need to find a clearer version though ): Damn.


I usually don't know how to start or what to say when it comes to fangirling. Too many aspects of nonsensical rambling and squealing to cover. Hmm.

Anyways, I just read a rumour which I want to believe is true (Yes, I am damn gullible) which is...


AH!!!!! FUDGE!!!! kdaspdpassdsd;sdasasbdasj!!!! OMG!!! I knew it! Ohyass does exist in the real world!! Bwahahahahahaa!!! OMG!! MECCHA MECCHA KAWAII!! ♥♥♥ I'm so happy!! ;D

And what's best?? A cameraman was there to catch the moment!! OMG, Mr.Cameraman who caught that precious moment, I love you!! Shit. I need to get that photobook when it gets published and frame that photo up in my room, use it as my wallpaper, print a T-shirt of it and wear it everywhere XD

Okay, this all may turn out to be false, but I'll choose to believe what I want to believe, okay? Even if it's not true (which would be fake) and will not appear in the photobook (it better do), I will continue to believe in the existence of Ohyass Rabu!! ♥♥♥

Oh, Ohyass. Why are you so rabu? ♥♥♥ I heart you so much!!

Saya amat bahagia sekarang (:

Because we know they had sex ;D

Reminder to me :
Krystle, you need to download the Kanjani8 EXCITE & SPIRITS concert for Ohyass moments ♥♥♥ Like these :

;o; ;o; ;o; ;o; ;o;

OMG. Yassan! ♥♥♥ Give me one good, solid reason why Haq guessed that you're a girl when we asked him to name your gender ;o; ;o; ;o;

ラベル: , , , , ,

Ohkura, do you love Yasu? ♥

God. I think I just broke my brain D: *hyperventilates*
Breathe, Krystle, BREATHE!

One word : SUGOI

Tacchon a sexy magician (So sinful to a fangirl's eyes), and Yassan as his assistant?? skldsj;fda;flgfsdasjl;dhsd!!


That. Was. One. Mind-blowing. Magic. Act. That was seriously so bloody amazing! OMGHOWINTHENAMEOFGODDIDTHEYDOTHAT??!! and, OMGOMGOMGOHYASSOHYASSOYASSOHYASS!!
Wow. Ohyass excels in so many categories. WIN! ♥

Shit. Someone needs to write a fic about this because this is just to hot to not be written down in black and white! Why are the ones I read have Yassan as the magician? I need a Magician!Tacchon and Assistant!Yassan fic now! ;D

And before I go find Yamapi in Akiraland, I would like to leave you with this (:

You are LOSE because Ohyass is WIN ♥

ラベル: , , , , ,

"Today is my Honey's bithday..." ♪SPEEDY WONDER♪

'Muchaburi' is officially the best TV show ever!! and... Kanjani8 is the greatest band in the universe! *beams* And of course, I ♥ TACCHON! Worshiping them makes me feel so win ;Dv

Oh, yeah. And before I forget. Today happens to be a very special day because today is Shibutani Subaru's birthday! YEY! YEY! YEY!


Eventhough you are not my one of my favourites of favourites, I still love you because... just because! Lol (: Mwahh, Red Ranger! ♥ All the best! Ganbatte ne!

ラベル: ,


You know, I was thinking really hard... But I really cannot, cannot come up with a word to overcome the word, Fuck.

About our Add. Math Paper 1

I fucking hate myself right now! You know why? Because I didn't remember what the hell a 'cumulative frequency' was! DAMN! DAMN! DAMN! I hate myself, I hate math. Confound you, mathematics! D:<

ラベル: ,

Hato-kido! Hato-kido! Hato-kido! ♥♥♥

Yes, I should be studying. But math can wait (: Hehe.

Currently spazzing from overdose of Kanjani8. They sucked out my soul, ate away my brain, and turned me into their slave for their entertainment!! But I am more than willing XD

I just watched Muchaburi. I don't know what to say now. My brain isn't processing words nor sentences. My priority right now is to burn everything about it into my brain... I. Need. Want. MOAWR!!!

There was this woman to demonstrate how to flirt, and there was Yassan ♥ He had that lonely but sexy guy thing going on, but his acting failed him when the woman started to flirt with him, because he started to blush! So cute when he's shy (:

Omg, he's so hot and cool when sitting at the bar (before the flirting began)! Mmm (: Emo host boy? I want. Lol. I just love his hair!

Yassan, Yassan, Yassan ♥... And when some girl picked him to be 'her lover', he was so excited! Damn, every time he does something cute (everything he does is cute to me btw), I just can't stand it! Shota, may I hug you?

And it was so cute when the rest of Kanjani8 ridiculed Ryo. Lol. And of course, Ryo displayed his inner uke-ness by sulking ;D Hato-kido! Hato-kido! Hato-kido! Oh, Ryo. Such a hot uke... I also realized that Tacchon keeps looking at him... ):<

ラベル: , , , , , , , ,


Blog Status : Temporary Abandonment (Until 5th October 2007)

Ah, yes. It is exactly what it says. I am on study mode. Ergo, I need to cut down on the Internet, Blogging, J-doramas, Magazine scans... Those kind of stuff ;o;

Reason : End-year examniations from the 17th of September until the 5th of October ):

But it does not necessary mean that I won't be updating at all... Haha. Cough. I mean, that'd be absolutely absurd! Imagine, me without blogging? Makes my lifeless life more lifeless... That won't do me any good. Not at all. Hmm.

I started revising a few of my stuff already. Very slow progress. However, I do have one thing to say to a certain something...


ラベル: ,


Yes. It's Yassan's birthday today ♥! YEY! YEY! YEY! (Well, not yet, but based on the Japanese time, it is...) Isn't it adorable how his and Uchi's birthdays are after each others? Mmm (: So cute...

I secretly love him more than Uchi ;D... but I can't seem to admit it. Shh...

Did I mention how terrible today went? Yeah. Today was a terrible day, despite it being Uchi's birthday ): Let's hope Yassan's birthday brings me more luck~


Everyone needs a hero like him XD

ラベル: , , ,

THE 10TH DAY OF THE 9TH MONTH, SEPTEMBER OF THE YEAR 2007 IS HERE!! (Yes, it's an hour later in Japan)

I have nothing to say. I'm so bloody happy that today is finally here that I'm at loss of words.

You know how long I have waited for this day? So long that the thought of this day approaching sucked my brain dry. You know that? You know that? Yeah. Lol. Crazy? Indeed.

My work of art which is specially dedicated to these two men on this very special day :

Oh, Hiroki Uchi! My pretty princess... It's seems as though so many people forgot about your birthday ): It's alright, I remembered! Chu~

Oh, Ichimaru Gin! One of my favourite characters from BLEACH. God, you're so damn awesome!! ♥

Haha. Yeah, I had the whole weekend off. I've got plenty of time for this. You, shut up and appreciate the amount of effort I have put into these banners!

And this is not the end of it... GUESS WHO'S BIRTHDAY IS ON TOMORROW?!! *squeals* Come back tomorrow. I have another banner to post up XD Bet you're 'dying' to know. NOT!

I am a fangirl and I am not ashame of it! In fact, I'm damn proud to be one!

ラベル: , , , ,

Crabby surprise!!

My dad brought crab home for lunch earlier! Haha. I rarely take crab, so please forgive my enthusiasm. I realize that I've been taking a lot of crabs this year! Hmm. A good year, such a good year. Lol.

Oh, this post is so pointless.



I cannot cook to save my life.

My dad and I cooked earlier today. Spaghetti? Yum. Our own recipe (supposed to be based on the Olio recipe). Lol. My dad took the wheel at the frying and cooking, while I stand there dazed and stoning. Terrible helper.

Anyways, here is the masterpiece. VOILA~

The FIRST RULE when eating our masterpiece : you MUST have teeth of steel because the beef was under-cooked and rare. Damn it. Told my dad to leave it to cook longer!
SECOND RULE : Your teeth of steel have to be really SHARP, because even the knife couldn't cut through the beef or baby carrots XD

The spaghetti tasted awesome (after tomato sauce + salt was added), so we win at that one! Haha. Even though the whole thing sound like a disaster, I finished the spaghetti and baby carrots (Not the beef because some of them were really, really rare).

I love cooking :3v

ラベル: ,

Tacchon PWNS every men and women on earth

I am a very blunt and straightforward person. I'll admit it. I have accepted it, it's about time you accepted it, too. It makes up a huge part of who I am, so go screw your words because I won't be changing any soon. No time for your drama. KTHNXBAI.

I don't like sensitive people.

As psychotic as I think I am, I am not. Not even close. I was reading a psycho fanfiction and I am traumatized for life. Well, reminiscing the murder scenes (pouring boiling oil on the face, burning alive, etc.) bit at least... Nishikido Ryo would make a very convincing psychopath. Also because his psycho grin is A+++ (Picture to prove it)!!

Ah, Ryo's psycho grin! If he comes to kill me in my sleep one day, I will be the most blessed person on earth. I mean, the Sexy Osaka Man, Nishikido Ryo, in my bedroom, going to slit my throat, with that smile plastered on his sexy face? I'll just die before he can do anything. Lol.

I wonder if he'll ask for my last request? XD I have many things on my mind... *rubs hands evilly* *insert Yoko's cackle*

I don't know why people don't find Tacchon more attractive than Kame sexy as hell. Lol. I can find things to criticize about every other JE (Yamapi included), but Tacchon is just so fine.

RANDOM QUOTATIONS : "I sin therefore I'll go to hell where Ohkura is punishing the sinners" WIN! ♥

He's perfect in every way. Just look at him! Perfect face, check. Perfect smile, check. Perfect hair, check. Sexy voice, check. Drummer? Check. Speak terrible Engrish? Check. Sexy 24/7? Check, check, CHECK! ;o; I'm such a failure in life...

I WANT EVERY T-SHIRT HE OWNS!! Worship!! Fashiongodfashiongodfashiongod... ♥♥♥

Want Tacchon? Well, get in line because Yassan is first! Damn you, boys who look like girls and are prettier than me! Why did you steal the man of my dreams?! Lol. But, I love Yassan, and I support Ohyass with my life!

Yes. It's a Saturday but we're spending the whole day at home. Ergo, me spamming my blog, and killing myself in JE hell. I'm not complaining because JE completes me... Oh, so lame XD

ラベル: , , , , , , , ,

My wonderful story doesn't even want to begin!!

Ho-ho! My parents just left for Genting. No parental guidance for the night! Screw my punishment! I need my daily dose of internet now! Bwahahahahaha.


Suckers out there who don't agree with me that Kanjani8 is the best band in the world! You better have a nice cup of SHUT THE HELL UP if you got nothing nice to say about them, ok? To hell with your judgments because you're an idiot, thank you (:

Kanjani8 > SS501


One really good reason to get the NEWS Concert DVD "Never Ending Wonderful Story" : THE DAMN DVD BOX!! ♥ It's so beautiful that my eyes bleed with happiness whenever I see it. It's so colourful and creative! It's so cute! I'm crying from its' beauty ;o; ;o; ;o;

OMG, NEWS! EVEN YOUR DVD COVER TURNS ME ON INCREASE MY LOVE FOR YOU! Oh god. I need to stab my eyes out now.


Need to go Beru's house and touch it, caress it, kiss it immediately. Lol. Oh, I really, really want the box ):

Man, J.E. does weird things to me... I ♥ Rainbows.

ラベル: , , , , , , ,


My Internet Ban Kick-starts today! ): Exactly a whole month before I'll be back... Damn, that's going to suck.

And, tell me. What's wrong with saying, "Aiya, nevermind la." Is it such a big crime? And what the hell is wrong with you people who don't get my sarcasm? Excuse me, but I like my sarcasm very much, thank you. Hmph =\

Moving on to much more happier things...

Kya!! *spazzes* Omgzz..! Tacchon's new hairstyle! Meccha meccha kawaii! Green Renjar Rabu Rabu~♥ So adorable!! XDD~~

And speaking of Tacchon, Yassan's birthday is on the 11th! Just can't wait XD

(In case I don't make it back to dedicate a post for you in time)

Anyways, if this really is my last post of the month... JA NE! Wish me all the best for my examinations! Love you! See you in a month (5th October)! Mwahh!

ラベル: , , , ,


Yep, examination blues are here! ): In two weeks, it'd be judgment day. It's that time that will determine how much my life have come to suck. Awh, man... D:

I'm not getting enough sleep this year. Ergo, me not paying attention in class and slacking in my studies! Stupid screwed up time table in my head! Stupid invention of the Internet!! Curses. oD:<

No, wait... I blame J.E. for that one XD Damn you, ultra-sexy Japanese Idorus! But, no!! Because I love you guys!! ♥ ;o; I. NEED. MOARR!! :D Lol. Shit, like drugs...

Anyways, I fell asleep an hour after I started my revision session in my room. Note to self : Studying on the bed. Not a good idea =/ Lol.

Oh, Yamapi♥... Please grant me your willpower and blessings!!

Credits : Baidu♥

Take note : My INTERNET BAN begins next week (NO INTERNET UNTIL OCTOBER? IT CAN'T BE!! ;o;), but I'm trying to start earlier. So, updates will be slow, k? Thank you and have a nice day! (:

Wish me all the best for my exams! Mwahh! Bye-bicycle!

ラベル: , ,



oMg, LoOk! YasSaN's gLaSseS aRe tAiNteD PuRple ToO... LiKe miNe!! *spazzes*
Purple tainted glasses are for winners! Yassan's and my glasses PWNS the universe!! Bwahahahahahaha!

For my birthday this year, I'm going to wish for every boy to have J.E. fashion sense (not including their stage costumes). This is what I'll be visualizing when making my wish. Watch and learn...

Lesson #1 :

Tacchon is a fashion god. His taste in clothing just compliments further on his height and good looks. Every men should dress like you.

My fashion icon : Nishikido Ryo. I can make a whole damn post just dedicated to his amazing sense of fashion. I mean... Wow. I. Need. To. Have. Everything. You. Have.

I want everything they are wearing. What the heck, I want all the men wearing them!! Lol.

Gentlemen, take the advice and do what these men do, and believe me... you will have women fighting over for you, or for your wardrobe... Either way, they are still fighting over something of yours XD

p/s : This post is dedicated specially to "Max". Please, no more Billabong... No more...

This is also another reason for me to spam more blog with shinies of Jyannis!!

ラベル: , , , , , , , ,

A fangirl's duty to spread the love!!

Did my English Oral Presentation today. How was it? It was trash! NOBODY LIKED KANJANI8! ;o; My classmates are trash! GO DAI, LOSERS! Well, no. Just joking. I guess not everyone find Japanese Pop Idorus an interesting topic. Hmm. Whatever.

But I felt as though I betrayed NEWS. I'm so sorry, NEWS. I am ashamed to be your fan. Please punish me! ): And I forgot to mention Uchi. Somebody, please stab my heart out right now. Not literally, but yeah. The agony and frustration hurts my brains.

It's alright, because I just scored myself a Kanjani8 poster and NEWS shinies! YEY! Thank you, Nicole! Well, not really. I had to give you some stuff from my Popolo for them. But, question. May I have that page with the T-shirts? Because I heart the T-shirts Ryo and Tacchon are holding up! <3 Need to get my hands on one of those!

But you know, it's actually very nice to see Kanjani8 or NEWS in school XD Today was awesome. Kanjani PWNS my existence!!!

ラベル: , , , ,


First of all, I'd like to express my condolences to my good friend back in Penang, Genevieve who has recently lost her favorite cat, Muffin ): Sorry, Gen. Hope you're feeling better.

He's been around since the first time I met Genevieve, and we've been friends for 9 years! Pity he had to leave us so soon. I love Muffin. I remember that time he scratched my head with his claws. Haha. Good times. I'm going to miss him... ;o;

May you rest in peace, Muffin.




I'm finally back from my day out with my friends. Since everything went so well, I can reveal their names to you : Beru, Bibi, Lina & Michelle. Gotta love them! ♥

(Gomen, no pictures D:)

It started really awkwardly when I met Lina. Seriously. I always wanted to meet her and when I finally did, it was awkward. But she's actually really, really cool! Just got to know her a bit better... Something I should've figured out earlier on. Damn you, antisocial Krystle! But, thank god I have Beru!

Karaoke : It was really, really weird. Haha. It was a Japanese karaoke joint, so everything was Japanese. Duh. However, I was really surprised and amazed with their skills with the Japanese language. SUGOI! And of course, since I could neither read the lyrics nor remember any lyrics, I sat there looking blur XD Imagine, 3 whole hours... just stoning. Lol. Zukkoke Otokomichi~!!

Dinner : We had dinner at "The Apartment" at The Curve. The menu was printed on graph paper. Ingenious! The whole layout of the place was really comfy and warm. The food was 75% excellent. And there was this particular waiter... Nevermind. Lol.

I guess I didn't screw up. Well, I'm hoping I didn't. Haha. If they don't invite me out again... I'll know XD I was pretty stiff and stoning (Damn you, Jin and Ryo!). I'll understand if they don't want me. Bwahahahaha!

Too bad I spent more than I should've ): Oh well, at least I'm happy! It's probably the best time I've had out with friends this year. Hope to do it again really soon!

ラベル: , ,

This blog is solely for the purpose of fangirling.

Krystle. クリスタル Fangirl ♥ Yamashita Tomohisa; J-POP; K-POP.

obsessions ♥♥♥

let's backtrack

layout: ambivalente
designer: kurisutaru
header featuring YAMASHITA TOMOHISA
<bgsound src="" loop=infinite>