Everyone's solo was actually quite awesome! Massu's "PUMPKIN" was quite WTF-ish, b;Dut addictive. The same for Koyama's "LOVE ADDICTION". Can't say the same for Ryo's "CODE", though... because frankly, it sucked so much I was forced to skip it D; Yes, that bad DX!! Sorry,
chicken boy Ryo ):
Tegoshi's "STARS" was alright. But the best part of it was in the end, he hugs Yamapi XD Or Yamapi hugs him. Either way, TEGOPI LIVES!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! XD So cute.
Remember my last post? I was totally fangirling about Shige's "Kakao"? Well, it's an awesome song (: Shige is pretty hot when he
has his mouth shut is not smiling ;D
AND OMG, YAMAPI'S "GOMEN NE JULIET" DDD:!! I got over it a few months ago and because of this performance, I got obsessed again ): Damn! And Ryo and Tegoshi was his background dancer!! XD

They also have a special chapter in the DVD where they had gourmet food. Tegopi in action was so adorable!! I've been watching it until my eyes crossed out!! DX SO DAMN CUTE!! OooWaHhhh!!
Tegoshi : "UMMAAAAII~!!Yamapi : "Oishii!"Me : *dead*Really precious Tegopi moment ♥ Makes me smile (:
So, yeah. NEWS' "Never Ending Wonderful Story" is awesome!! \;D/
P/S: Look carefully. There's a whole lot of pairings in it. Everyone's got a fling with each other *cough*