Updates will be slow as my access to the internet will be very very very limited in Penang! ):
Btw, episode 8 for "Last Friends" is out. Please check if Sousuke died or not. I'm sure he didn't, but if you're curious... do let me know when you find out :) Thank you.
URAAA~!! KIMOCHI WARUI!!! DDDX That is such a scary thought ne!! o__o;; I never pondered about this matter until it was brought up in a recent forum post. Ewwww! I just hope that Yamapi was never sexually harassed by that old man (Yamapi wasn't very attractive as a child, so I doubt it XD Omg!! Might be the reason Johnny let him debut in the first place!! DDX)!! That is just sick!! If Johnny's hot I won't mind, you know... but the fella is like almost 80!!!
Random hot photo of MatsuJun! ;D
This is so random, but looking at MatsuJun suddenly reminds my of how kissable Yamapi's lips are! Here's another tip, Uchi's got nice lips, too ;D
Borrowed "Tatta Hitotsu no Koi" from Nicole :3 I was supposed to watch in Penang but I ended watching all 10 episodes in 10 hours straight -___-;;
Hmm, the plot was alright. I'm usually not the love story kind of person but after seeing a preview of it at karaoke that day, I decided that Kame looked acceptable enough and it looked pretty sad. It got quite painful at some point, but I didn't cry as much as I expected. Lol. Nicole made it sound so sad, but it was just okay. It seemed like a blend of "Yamada Taro Monogatari" and "One Liter of Tears" to me =/ A love story between a girl with sickness and a really poor boy. However, I don't approve the happy ending. It should've been an unhappy ending. Something I can cry about.
But you know what put me off? There was no kissing scene!! DDD: One would expect for at least one kissing scene in this kind of love story, but there was none! Well, one on the cheek, but that was it and that wasn't counted. Omg. I was pretty much irritated that they didn't kiss until the end. Sigh. Where are the kissing scene when you need one... I thought it spoiled the ending because I was going, "Kiss her, Kame! Stop talking and kiss her!!! KISS HER NAU!!!!" I forwarded the talking scenes and it just ended like that. Wtf. WHERE IS THE SWEET KISS IN THE END??!!
I won't lie and say I didn't enjoy it entirely. But if you want a sad love story, I'll still recommend "One Liter of Tears" because it's much more realistic and Ryo cries better than Kame. I'm not biased, but no one can cry as well as Ryo. Not even Yamapi =/ But I guess Kame did alright in this drama :) Quite good looking, too, but towards the end he started looking like a junkie XD
I am now obsessed with "Bokura no Machi de." Kame's voice is quite mesmerizing in this song :)
"Right now, I want to believe in us I want to believe in myself as I am now Nobody will ever approve of us Nobody will ever understand us"
Crying makes me feel human. I want to feel sorrow and sadness like everyone else. I don't like the thought of me being spared of all these suffering and hardship. Strange that I can only feel reality through dramas and stories );
Damn it! Now everyone looks better than Yamapi! ;o; OHNOESSS!!!
Bad enough I've been thinking too much of Ryo -___-;;
Omg, Yamapi why?Why did you ruin your beautiful hairstyle??!! Q___Q *mourns* OMG YOU WERE SO HOT THE LAST TIME I SAW YOU AND SUDDENLY!!!!!!!!?!! OMGGGGGGGG WRRRRRYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!?!!
Frankly speaking, Yamapi's new hairstyle scares me and I would not like to see any news or updates or photoshoots of him until he gets rid of his current horribly disastrous permed hair! I really feel like crying right nau ): *curls in a dark corner of room*
Omg, really la... I can't look at him with a straight face now )X How can I watch "Code Blue" like that? Wtf FujiTV. I fucking hate you ):<
Is it just me, or did he get fatter, too? =| God, Yamapi. God... *cries*
I've been thinking a lot about Sousuke these days =/
The place Nishikido appears is a park in the early afternoon. For rehearsal, he sits on the allocated bench, but for some reason his hands in front of his face are confronted by incessant buzzing. "There are so many of them!!" he shouts - looking closely at his surroundings, from the shrubbery behind him there is a huge outbreak of little insects! Next to the staff member who uses one hand to spray the insects with pesticide, Nishikido happily watches this battle clapping his hands. What could have made him so happy...?
-Translation; Myojo 0807-
Hoozah! Ryo hates insects, too!! Lol. He sounds so cute clapping as the insects die :D If Ryo and I lived in a same house, who will kill the cockroach?!! O___O;; *shivers*
*whimpers* How can you possibly hate this man? Oikawa Sousuke haters repent! D:<
This man is my hero! He beats and stalks people and yet, he loves children. He may be a bitch around Michiru and her friends (I'd be a bitch too if I knew those people), but when he's around children, he's so gentle and sweet it makes you forget all his wrong doings and want to just hug him ;D
He brought home this mistreated-by-his-mother little boy and took care of him. And through out the whole time, he had that fatherly look in his eyes ;o; ;o; ;o; And he held the little boys hand and all when they walked together *sniff* My heart crumbled when he ran across the train track to save the little boy. *cries* I'm so touched. Such a good man.
p/s: Lucky boy! He was with Yamapi in Kurosagi, too ):< But omg, he is so meccha meccha kawaii!! <333
Just came back from dinner, karaoke and "Prince Caspian" :D Karaoke was fun, as usual (some fella next door was singing "Daite Senorita"; was so tempted to break into the room and sing along, even though I had sang that song earlier) Prince Caspian was better than the first one definitely. No comments about the guys but I know now why Yuri-chan is so excited about it -___-;;
We played "taboo" earlier. It was the shit!! :D
I say: "Uh uh... Ryo's got a moustache now. He needs to--???" Bibi & Fuu: "SHAVE!!" Beru: "Ryo's got a moustache??" O___O;;??
Bibi say: "Uh, some of your don't like it. Ryo's hair..." Fuu & I: "BLOND!!"
Lol. It was easy to guess when you use Nishikido Ryo in TABOO XD My team with Bibi and Fuu won!! Lol, sorry to the rest. Better luck next time! XDv Mehehehe!
Ah, thank you Eiri. For the pink pouch you got me from some Asian country you went to. Haha.
I am bored now, and very tired. Go to sleep? Nah!! XD
Anyways, found this really funny quiz-thing that generates random facts (and by "random", I mean really really random) about somebody:
Yamapi will be playing a doctor in a drama this summer. *dies, goes to heaven, comes back to life at the thought*
The drama is called "Code Blue ~Doctor Heli EMT~"He plays a trainee flight doctor name Aizawa Kousaku (doesn't the name sort of reminds you of Oikawa Sousuke? *suspicious*) but don't you think "Yamashita-sensei" sounds sexier and kinkier? Ooh, I like that thought, mmm...
However, his hairstyle is a total turn off ): He looks like a crappy trainee doctor. Why must he play a 'trainee'? Why can't he play the, I quote Nicole, "lovejuice inducing" professional doctor in the white coat with perfect hair and smile? Man, Yamapi gets the WORST roles and he ALWAYS looks so terrible in dramas ); Makes me wonder how I find him attractive when he appears so fugly in most of the dramas he star in...
The fact that the drama has got to do with helicopters and health, really really really turns me off. Gosh. I hate dramas about profession. I mean, wtf? Which reminds me, "Hokaben" sucks.
But sadly, I will need to watch this drama. Actually, I'm pretty desperate to watch it because Yamapi is the lead. Ah, shucks... There goes more of my hard drive space *Domino whimpers* Jeez, I hope the plot is good... *prays* Yamapi, please don't fail me!! And of course: Dear FujiTV, Please don't fucking screw up this drama like what you did with last friends!!
After all that fangirling, I'd like to backlash:
Hey, thanks Last Friends; for killing off the one and only fucking reason why I'm even watching this dumb drama in the first place :D Your stupid "other lame/loser/dumb characters" killed off the most outstanding and loved character in the drama. I hope the ratings died along with it. Burn it hell, fuckers.
Sigh. It was so predictable, but I wish it wasn't true. God, I hate stupid people.
I'd like to express my hatred towards FujiTV. First they cast my hero in such a pathetic role and made him look so shitty. And then, they kill off my hero in another drama??! God. I hate Japanese television ): And yet, they are so addictive.
Just for fun, here's my foolproof plot for a drama: All the ugly people die and the hot ones live and the world becomes a better place ;D Wow. I'd make so much money. KA-CHING!!
But that is not going to come true, so... I hate everybody );
Tegomass's latest single "Ai Ai Gasa" is so cute. As usual, so plain, but the guys in the PV just makes up for it naa... Ah, fudge. Tegoshi, nande??? O___O;; Lol. Making my hands sweat -.-;;
Watch it and fall into that deep abyss called 'Tegoshi Yuya' (refer to picture above) Lol. Sorry, Massu, but you dress bad ): Gosh, isn't Tegoshi the prettiest girl ever!
Muu, I guess I'll get Tegoshi's hairstyle again? -___-;;
Ne, is it just me, or Massu's hairstyle never changes? Lmao.
Leave my dad a comment, okay? My dad is like a kid, you know. You give them candy and they smiiiiiiiile (p/s: you can save me hell, too! mehehehehe!!) :DDD Click on the advertisements to make my dad a rich man and me a rich man's daughter XDD Lol.
I am a "Last Friends" whore DDD: I am a "Last Friends" whore DDD: I am a "Last Friends" whore DDD:
Because of "Golden Week" in Japan, they has not subbed episode 4 of "Last Friends" ): Wtf. Anyways, lol, being the "Last Friends" whore I am and since I never try to resist temptation, I have watched the scene (read last entry) from episode 5! DDDX I seriously, couldn't resist. Subs or no subs. Ryo taking someone non-consensually = must watch!
Don't read if you don't want to know... because I'm going to start being very descriptive :)
Sousuke was sick, because he sat in the rain for Michiru (episode 4) *que "awwwww"* He is put to bed (omgdamnadorable!!:D) and he was really pitiful so Michiru took good care of him :D But then, he hugs her from behind and starts to kiss her neck and Michiru denies him and he starts to be a real bitch and he throws the rice bowl and the wall and Michiru was asking him to stop. *que sexy/frustrated look from Sousuke* And then, he grabs her by her arms and throws her onto the bed... ...and, omg. Ryo straddles her *______* *head spins* Well, he was just lapping at her neck and then they shifted to the next scene -___-;; Not that I wanted to know what happened after that because we ALL know what happened...
Ah, I wrote RyoUchi for my exam paper :) I feel so fluffy. I hope Pn.Asimah doesn't complain about the "The world didn't matter because it was just me and Hiroki" part. I hope she'll enjoy the fluff and the pace of the story :Db
Muu, I haven't watched episode 4 -__-;; Subs won't be up until Wednesday ): Anyways, lol, I couldn't help myself, so I ended watching the last scene from episode 4 with no subs... Desperate much! -__-;;
Anyways, I won't spoil it for you there, but I will spoil this for you: OMG SOUSUKE RAPES MICHIRU IN EPISODE 5???!!!
Well, lol, not sure luh, but it did look like it: He pins her to the bed and starts to... idk what he was doing for sure but his head was buried by the side of her neck *coughsuckingherneckcough* omgmichiruiamsojealous;o;;o;;o; I might be wrong, though... =/
You tell me what it looks like!!!
Anyways, lol, Ryo should roll up his sleeves more and wear white more because *gasp* Meh, I won't mind getting pinned onto the bed by Sousuke XD *head desk* I like his hair :D
BM exam tomorrow... Memorizing "peribahasa" is damn tiring -___-;; I am now currently berkayuh di sampan bocor...
Uke!Ryo makes a comeback!! ♥♥♥
I have finally got my hands on the download for the "SUMMER TIME" single :D YEY!
Out of 4 songs, 3 of them are happy-jolly-good-feeling songs: "SUMMER TIME", "EASY COME, EASY GO", "BABY! BE MY BABY!" Lol. They're, well, very very very very cute/adorable :D I can't help but to notice that Shige sings a lot, and his solo parts are pretty awesome DX Yamapi's and everyone else's parts aren't very impressive, sad to say ): Damn, Shige, damn!
"EASY COME, EASY GO" and "BABY! BE MY BABY!" really reminds me of something F.T. Island would sing (F.T. Island WTF??!) The only difference is that... NEWS > F.T. Island x 98382932983842010143789202745
I'd fangirl more about them 3 happy songs, but... one song outshines the rest (excluding SUMMER TIME because that song is just too much win)...
"LIAR" is hell amazing!!!!! :DDD It's songs like this that makes me understand why NEWS is total pwnage!!
Because the first time I heard it was the radio rip so it was unclear (but I got obsessed with it anyways -___-;;) Anyways, after hearing the clear version from the single... DAMN I LOVE THIS SONG!!! ♥♥♥ Muu, the beat is just so god damn catchy!! Omg... I just love it!! The music really killed my coherence luh -___-;; Gaaaaawddd.... @___@
Yes, I know I don't really support Rock!NEWS, but this song is an exception, alright?
OK WTF. I have my midterms next week and I a dilemma: a. I have episode 4 of "Last Friends" to download probably tomorrow b. I just finished downloading the subbed episode 1 of "Osen" and now... c. THEY JUST FREAKING SUBBED "HOKABEN"!!! WTFF???!!! That means, I have to download it tomorrow DDDX 9 hours waiting for "Osen" to finish downloading and now, "Hokaben" and "Last Friends" tomorrow?!! I hear my computer crying downstairs Q___Q
note: "Hokaben" is a Shige!Drama :D Wtf am I watching it? No clue either =/
I have THREE dramas to download this month!!!! DDD: WTF???!!! Ohmygsh, what will happen when they sub "Zettai Kareshi", too??? Ou shyt...
I really need to know how to study this time DDX I know I should limit myself and have self control; download it and watch it after the exam is over, but... I CANNOT BE LATE IN CATCHING MY DRAMAS!!! DDD:
HIATUSPOST. I has my midterm exams next week, so I'll be away for about a month, 'kay? mmkay :D Actually, this post is pointless, because I'll still come around and write some shit anyways... Mehehehe!! )))): God, I need a life =/ Wish me luck!
note: [x] "Shounen Club" this sunday on NHK (9:00 PM) [x] "Last Friends" episode 4, subbed by this weekend [x] NEWS will be appearing on Utaban and Music Station :D